Innovation Through Collaboration

  • Website Development
  • Website Management
  • Brand Development
  • Social Media Management
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Google Advertising
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Marketing Consulting
  • Content Creation
  • Graphic Design
  • Email Marketing
  • Blog Writing

Measurable Growth Matters

Man focused on a laptop with employees in the background, demonstrating a team providing creative digital marketing services.
Services Include:
  • Keyword Research
  • Ad Creation
  • Landing Page Development
  • Advertising Strategy
  • Account Set-Up
  • Tracking Installation
  • Monitoring & Analysis

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How often do you hear the words "just Google it"? Millions of people use Google every day to compare products, get directions, check company reviews, and find new items to "add to cart." With Google advertising, you can place your business at the top of a person's search. If you time it right, your ads can even influence a buyer's journey.

With our Google advertising services, we optimize your ads by determining who your target customers are and focusing on their search intent. We compose each ad using language and design that establishes your brand and speaks to the searcher's needs.

Using dedicated landing pages, we match the ad’s message with the value your company has to offer – the sweet benefits your competitors lack. Each step of our process is customized to meet your business goals and show your target customers that you have their best interests in mind.

Services Include:
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Advertising Strategy and Research
  • In-depth Targeting
  • Landing Page Development
  • Goal Tracking and Campaign Setup
  • Ad Design
  • A/B Testing
  • Analysis and Optimization
  • Monthly Progress Reports

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If your target customer is spending all of their time on social media, then that's the place to be! As a form of pay-per-click digital advertising, social ads let you use years of analytics to your benefit.

We know who your customers are, where they spend their time, and what gets them excited. We use these insights to pinpoint the best advertising opportunities for your brand on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

It's not enough to create social media ads and hope for the best. By crafting a message that aligns with your customer’s interests, you can draw them in. Then, we use detailed reporting to monitor your likes, website visits, and conversions to learn what's working and what's not. 

Social media advertising is always changing. With our service, you can stay ahead in the race to reach your customers and keep your products and services top of mind.

Services Include:
  • Website Development
  • Website Design
  • Ecommerce Websites
  • Custom Site Creation
  • Website Hosting
  • Website Maintenance
  • Website Management
  • SEO

Click Here to learn more about our web development offerings. 

Waiting around for the "right time" to update your website can set the rest of your marketing efforts behind. A strong website presence puts your company on the map so you can promote your business, increase sales, and generate new leads.

It's not enough to have a website, though. With constant changes to Google's algorithm and new ways to encourage visitors to click and interact, it pays off to stay ahead of the trends. Putting user experience at the forefront of your website development can encourage visitors to stick around. Meanwhile, search engine optimization will help you show up when people are looking for your product or service. With UX and SEO, you can tap into new opportunities, improve your company's credibility, and provide customers with precisely what they need.

All you need is a website-loving expert and you're good to go. There should be a few around here somewhere…

Services Include:
  • Content Updates
  • Website Backups
  • Website Repair
  • Website Security
  • Website Analysis
  • SEO Auditing
  • Plugin Updates
  • Website Training
  • On-Demand Support

HTML, CSS, and Javascript; that stuff can get tricky. Throw in a new plugin update, and your beautiful website could crash, costing you valuable traffic and leads. Like most business leaders, you probably don't have time to keep up with the backend intricacies of your site. You can use a freelance developer or try fixing the problem yourself, but that can make the issue worse. 

With our website management service, you can leave the tricky stuff to us. Our team keeps sites up-to-date, secure, and running the right way. 

You have enough to worry about; sleep better at night with us managing your site.

Services Include:
  • Branding
  • Brand Marketing
  • Brand Design
  • Brand Guide Creation
  • Brand Messaging
  • Product Naming
  • Comprehensive Brand Guidelines
  • Brand Logo Design
  • Brand Color Palette
  • Tagline Creation
  • Font Selection

A quirky mascot or bland brand won't help you connect with customers. People want a connection and a personal approach – they want to know that you’re a company that cares.

A brand is your company, personified. It's your way to make an impression that lasts. From a distinct color palette and customized font to the tone used in each blog post and Instagram caption, every brand element comes together for a look that's easy to identify. With hundreds of other companies within your industry, a memorable brand can help you stand out from the crowd. 

Brand architecture lets you define how customers perceive your company. Whether it's "reliable and professional" or "fast but still friendly," your brand sends a message. Better yet, customers will start to recognize your company on sight, whether they're online or off. Once they get to know you, your loyal customers will stick around for a long, long time.

Services Include:
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • SEO Strategy
  • SEO Analysis
  • Google SEO
  • Local SEO
  • Keyword Research
  • SEO Blogs

There are over 1.5 billion websites on the internet today. Instead of surfing the web at random, people now know exactly what they’re looking for—and how to find it. Without a search engine marketing strategy, your company’s website will get drowned out by a wave of competitors.

Search engine marketing helps you rise to the top of relevant search pages. Using search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC), you can increase your online ranking. As your website’s visibility increases, people will see your site before a competitor’s, allowing you to attract customers first.

With every click, you’re driving more traffic to your website, which further improves your ranking and brand’s online credibility. More relevant traffic means more leads, giving you fresh opportunities to turn one-time website visitors into repeat customers.  With our search engine marketing services, you can rise above the rest, build your online audience, and start increasing sales. If that sounds good, wait until you see the results roll in.

Services Include:
  • Comprehensive Social Strategy
  • Target Customer Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Content Creation
  • Follower Engagement
  • Social Media Calendar
  • Scheduled Posts
  • Multiple Platforms
  • Analysis & Optimization
  • Page Management

Your customers are at the heart of your business, so why not get to know them better? Social media gives you that chance. Likes, reactions, and retweets are excellent signs you're connecting with your followers, but that's just the start. 

Social media gets your message in front of your customers, where they spend most of their time. It's a chance to put your brand out there and talk to clients directly. With eye-catching, heart-worthy content, customers will stop scrolling and engage. Successfully building a buzz on social media can also attract new customers to your business. Who doesn't want that?

With our social media management service, you get more than scheduled posts. We create a detailed social strategy designed to meet your business goals. Social media is too important to leave in the hands of an intern, so choose us and start interacting with the right audience today.

Services Include:
  • SEO Blog Writing
  • Photography
  • Videography
  • Print Design
  • White Papers
  • Infographics
  • Case Studies
  • Press Releases

People are busier now than ever. They skim websites and quickly scroll through social feeds. So how do you get people to stop, slow down, and take in your content? You do it by creating exceptional content that your customers will love to read. At Fable Heart Media, our content marketing team caters to your customer's curiosities and interests to create content that inspires people to stop and take notice. 

With our content creation service, we create the pieces you need to "wow" your customers and prospects. From thought-driven blog posts to eye-catching infographics, we can help show that you know your stuff better than anyone else. As a thought-leader in your industry, you can show interested customers you have the experience and expertise they can depend on for their own success.

By regularly creating quality content, you can bring in more site visitors, increase your Google rankings, and improve your marketing collateral.

Services Include:
  • Target Customer Research
  • SWOT & Competitor Analysis
  • Detailed Tactics & Recommendations
  • Detailed Reporting
  • Traditional and Digital Strategies
  • Development of Goals and Objectives

People scour the web, looking for companies who care. You're the answer to their questions, the answer to their problems—but only if they can find you online. Our marketing team focuses on the value you provide to customers as the base for every one of our services. By focusing on your clients, we can help your business better understand their needs and build a deeper connection with them.

From email marketing and your website to social media and content creation, we work to connect each of your marketing channels, so they work as one. This connected marketing approach helps unify your company's message no matter the channel.

Using our strategic marketing services, we will craft a customized marketing plan that makes it easy for you to reach and connect with your customers. Each plan ties into your business goals, aligning your marketing strategy with the rest of your company.

Services Include:
  • Website Design
  • Video Editing
  • Logo Design, Business Cards, Stationery
  • Brochures, Flyers, Trifolds
  • Print Ads
  • Illustrations & Animations
  • Custom Email Marketing Designs
  • Social Media Marketing Content

Over time, your branded marketing collateral can end up a little all over the place. A modernized, updated logo can leave your old business cards and stationery looking like they belong to a completely different company. Meanwhile, your brand new website might appear eons ahead of your print materials. 

Our graphic design services combine creativity and cohesiveness to unite your entire brand. Connecting your brand materials makes it easier for customers to recognize your content online and off. We customize each design to pique your audience’s interest while staying true to the heart of your brand.

From trade show displays to an email that encourages clicks and website visits, our designs can help you attract attention and inspire your customers to take action. High-quality, purposeful design does more than “look” good; it also generates results, invites new leads, and increases sales. Each design captures the essence of your business while growing your business to improve your ROI.

Services Include:
  • Email List Building
  • Audience Segmentation
  • Campaign Planning & Creation
  • Subscriber Management
  • Email Template Creation
  • Email Design & Copy
  • A/B Testing
  • Tracking & Refining
  • Advanced Email Automation
  • Form and Website Integration

A big email list means an abundance of opportunities. However, clients and leads may forget all about your business without ongoing contact. To combat this, our marketing team will develop a campaign strategy to keep your brand top of mind. 

Our process starts by integrating your email marketing service with your website to collect subscribers. After that, we break your list into groups so we can send email campaigns that speak to a specific audience. We craft a winning email using A/B testing. After a few days, we analyze the campaign's results and make changes for continuous email success.

With our email marketing services, you can send a single email to tell people about your latest deals, industry news, and new products or services. Email marketing is a great way to nurture leads, stay in contact with clients, and even turn an "on the fence" subscriber into a new customer.

Services Include:
  • SEO Keyword Research
  • SEO Blog Writing
  • Blog Content Creation
  • Blog Topic Generation
  • Industry & Target Customer Research
  • SEO Backlinking
  • HTML Formatting
  • Photography Selection

After investing time, energy, and money on a new website, you want customers to find you online, right? Your stunning website deserves more than a little attention. With SEO blog writing, you can draw in an audience of potential customers and keep that website traffic coming in long after launching your website. 

Once you attract readers, your research-based blog posts will offer them unique insight. As part of your inbound marketing strategy, blog writing draws readers in, demonstrates your expertise, and gives website visitors a reason to explore your website to learn more. 

Engaging, informative blog posts also keep your website full of fresh, unique content. As readers stay on your site longer, Google will start to recognize the valuable content you have to offer and boost your ranking. Our SEO-optimized blog writing services kick up your content, credibility, and sales while empowering your brand, turning you into a leader in your industry.

Fable Heart Media